

Lost particles

The inspiration for designing the game "Lost Particles" stemmed from a TED speech delivered by Garrett Lisi, where he expounded upon his model of the universe. This captivating concept forms the backdrop of the game, as it unfolds within a universe where certain particles have become displaced from their rightful positions. The objective for players is to strategically create portals that will restore these particles to their correct locations before the universe descends into imbalance.

To augment the gameplay experience, additional elements such as forces like gravity, which can be harnessed to slow down the particle movement, and black holes, which enable the teleportation of all particles simultaneously, have been incorporated as exciting bonuses. The underlying intention behind the game's design is to create an accessible and engaging experience that piques the curiosity of young players about the realm of physics.

By merging the thrill of gameplay with educational elements, "Lost Particles" endeavors to spark a sense of wonder and interest in the field of physics among children. The game's simplicity ensures that players can readily immerse themselves in the gameplay mechanics while simultaneously fostering a fascination for the underlying scientific concepts.

Agency: UPD     My Role: Creative + Art Direction